
I got my images back from my photoshoot: (images: my own. Model: Cailin Kohlk, Photographer: Catalin Plesa, Makeup Artist: Alix Stern, Bodypainter: Alix Stern, Styling: Alix Stern) ImageImage I am really pleased with how these came out. However, looking at them has made me realise what alterations I would like to make. Mainly, the piece I have stuck down on Cailin’s chest looks a little bit bare. To help it to tie in more with the black in the styling I decided to add to it. This will also help to cover some of the nipple covers which I think look a little bit tacky/messy.  I dug out my ‘bag of goodies’, broke a few hairclips and gathered the rest of my black feathers and this is what I came up with: (images: my own) ImageImage

I am excited to see how this will look on my final design.

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